Ubiquitous Views
10:00am-6:00pm, July 30 — September 11, 2016/ admission free

Since it opened its doors in 2001, the Aomori Contemporary Art Centre (ACAC) has focused on its Artist in Residence (AIR) program. Along the way, there have been many contemporary
artists whose interest in regional characteristics leads them to conduct research and even produce artwork rooted in the area during their residence. Rather than merely showing an interest in the peculiar characteristics of the region, artists often delve deeper to try to discover the universal values behind them and better understand regional backgrounds and histories.
In this year’s Summer AIR, we invite CHIBA Naoko, KAMIMURA Yoichi and Jörg OBERGFELL to produce artwork that, while based on regional characteristics, possesses a universal outlook. Artists will produce and exhibit their artwork and simultaneously conduct research on regional resources.


Born in Chiba Prefecture in 1982. 2010 MA, Graduate School of Fine Arts, Tokyo University of the Arts, Tokyo, Japan. Kamimura is interested in the variation in perceptions to scenery. He produces two-dimensional and installation pieces using musical notation, music from other composers, and field recordings.
[Solo Exhibitions]
2015 "grandmother, prologue", Space Wunderkammer, Tokyo, Japan.
2011 "CRITERIUM 82", Art Toer Mito, Ibaraki, Japan.
[Selected Group Exhibitions]
2014 "Identity X--fusion of memory, memory for the future", nichido contemporary art, Tokyo, Japan.
2012 "TRANS ARTS TOKYO", Old Tokyo Denki University, Tokyol Japan.
2012 "Koshiki Art Project", Koshiki Island, Kagoshima, Japan.
2011 "G-Tokyo 2011!", Mori Arts Center, Tokyo, Japan.
2011 "Power of a Painting", 3331 Arts Chiyoda, Tokyo, Japan.
[reference artworks]
night passage, sound installation, 2011. (Mito Art Tower)
grandmother, prologue, sound installation, 2015.

Born in Iwate Prefecture in 1972. 1997 MA in Painting and Art Education, Graduate School of Education, Iwate University After learning to paint at university, Chiba taught herself the cyanotype process, one of the first technologies to create photographic images. Her technique involved printing cyanotypes onto handmade Japanese paper. Chiba has made it her life’s work to photograph her family home in Iwate as part of her work Father’s House. She prints cyanotypes to which faint memories cling, inspired by her research and fieldwork into local histories and cultures.
In addition to her cyanotypes, she has also exhibited sculpture and video pieces, all of which express the cultures and feelings of the people of Tohoku.
[Selected Solo Exhibitions]
2013 "N.E.blood 21 Vol.46 Chiba Naoko Solo Exhibition", Rias Ark Museum of Art, Miyagi, Japan.
2011 "Chiba Naoko Photograph Exhibition", Tsuruoka Art Forum, Yamagata, Japan.
[Selected Group Exhibitions]
2015 "Sprit of North -- vol. 5", Kitakata city minami-machi kurayashiki, Fukushima, Japan.
2015 "Sprit of North -- vol. 4", Steps Gallery, Tokyo, Japan.
2015 "Hokuhoku TOHOKU: Connecting with Art Sprouting by the Dialogue", Hajimari Art Center, Fukushima, Japan.
2011 "Eclats de Photographie", Association Louis Daguerre, Musee Gatien-Bonnet, France.
2011 ""Born in 1970's and '80's: Ten Artists from Iwate", Iwate Museum of Art, Iwate, Japan.
2007 "MOT Annual 2007 -- From a World as Large as Life--", Museum of Contemporary Art Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan.
2006 "VOCA 2006 -- The Vision of Contemporary Art", The Ueno Royal Museum, Tokyo, Japan.
[Reference artworks]
The stone said, cyanotype on Kurotani paper, 55.5cm×55.5cm, 2011.
©CHIBA Naoko
"Mrs. Yorozu, in 1915, at Tsuchizawa" from the series of The beginning of a new primitive era -- A Homage to Yorozu Tetsugoro--, pinhole photographs, inkjet print, 2014.
©CHIBA Naoko

Born in St.Georgen, Schwarzwald, Germany, in 1976.2007 MFA Goldsmiths College, London, UK.
Using constructions that symbolize city politics and/or discarded articles reflective of city life, Jörg OBERGFELL exposes a kind of social structure in his work. At the same time, wrapping them up in “cuteness” related to humor, cynicism, secrecy and trifles, he makes his work, in its overall image, gently involve criticism that faces the power controlling society. His style of intentionally expressing such modesty is also seen in his approach to deal with space in his work.
[Selected solo exhibitions]
2016 "out on a limb, gradus & Jörg Oberfell", Cologne, Germany.
2013 "Towers and Trees", galleryem, Seoul, South Korea.
2011 "Tout est construit", CEAAC, Strasbourg, France.
2010 "Second nature", Gallery Muro, Genève, Switzerland.
2010 Kunsthalle, Mainz, Germany.
[Selected group exhibitions]
2016 "Denn sie wissen was sie tun", NKV Aschaffenburg, Germany.
2016 "The Pierot Studio", Display Gallery, London, UK.
2015 "The Office" (Art Pop for Pop Montreal), Montreal, Canada.
2014 "Robo con Fractura", Local, Santiago de Chile, Chile.
2014 "The Ringenberg Biennale", Ringenberg, Germany.
2014 "The Pierot Project", Generation & Display, London, UK.
2014 "Hagulane", Lovis Kabinett, Villingen-Schwenningen, Germany.
[Reference artworks]
photo: YAMAMOTO Tadasu

Organized by Aomori Contemporary Art Centre [ACAC], Aomori Public University.
Supported by the Agency for Cultural Affairs Government of Japan in the fiscal 2016.
In cooperation with Aomori City, Aomori City Board of Education, Derik-Baegert-Gesellschaft e.V. Schloss Ringenberg, Nanbu Sakiori Conservation Club, Hotel Yamagami, AIRS, Aomori Public University Art Club.
2016年7月30日(土)~9月11日(日)10:00~18:00 会期中無休・入場無料

国際芸術センター青森 [ACAC]では、開館より芸術家の滞在制作(アーティスト・イン・レジデンス(AIR)事業)を中心としたプログラムを行ってきました。その中で、現代のアーティストたちがそれぞれの地域特性に関心を寄せながらリサーチや作品制作に取り組む姿に多く接してきました。それは単に地域的差異を取り上げて物珍しがるのではなく、そうした特色を生み出した歴史や背景への理解を深めることで、普遍につながる価値を見出そうとする試みでもありました。
2016年の夏AIRでは、地域的特色に立脚しながらも、普遍的な眼差しをもつ作品を制作する千葉奈穂子と上村洋一の二人の日本人アーティストと、ドイツSchloss Ringenberg Derik-Baegert-Gesellschaft e.V.の協力のもと、2013年に始めたリサーチを推し進め、作品とするために再び青森で滞在制作を行うヨーグ・オベルグフェルの3人のアーティストを招へいします。アーティストは地域資源のリサーチを行いながら滞在制作、作品展示を行います。

上村洋一 KAMIMURA Yoichi

1982 千葉県生まれ
2010 東京芸術大学大学院美術研究科修了
2015 「grandmother, prologue」Space Wunderkammer, 東京
2011 「CRITERIUM82」水戸芸術館, 茨城
2014「Identity X--fusion of memory, memory for the future」nichido contemporary art, 東京
2012「TRANS ARTS TOKYO」旧電気大学, 東京
2012「甑アートプロジェクト」甑島, 鹿児島
2011「G-Tokyo 2011」森アーツセンター, 東京
《night passage》2011年、サウンドインスタレーション、水戸芸術館での展示、サイズ可変
《grandmother, prologue》2015年、サウンドインスタレーション、サイズ可変
千葉奈穂子 CHIBA Naoko

1972 岩手県生まれ
1997 岩手大学大学院教育学研究科美術教育専修絵画専攻修了
1999 ICPA現代アート研究所(前橋)修了
2013 「N.E.blood 21 Vol.46 千葉奈穂子展」リアス・アーク美術館、宮城
2011 「太陽がいっぱい!千葉奈穂子写真展」鶴岡アートフォーラム、山形
2015 「ほくほく東北 アートでつなぐ、対話が芽吹く」はじまりの美術館、福島
2015 「精神の<北>へ ―Spirit of North― vol.4,vol.5」東京、福島
2012 「会津・漆の芸術祭2012―地の記憶・未来へ―」会津若松市内、福島
2011 「'70,'80年代生まれの美術家たち/いまIMAここで展」岩手県立美術館、岩手
2011 「Eclats de Photographie」アドリアン・メンティエン美術館、ブリ市、フランス
2007 「MOTアニュアル2007―等身大の約束―」東京都現代美術館、東京
2006 「VOCA展2006 現代美術の展望―新しい平面の作家たち―」上野の森美術館、東京
©CHIBA Naoko
《1915年のよ志夫人、土沢で》「新しき原始のとき ―鉄人・萬鉄五郎へのオマージュ―」より、ピンホールカメラによる撮影、インクジェットプリント、2014年
©CHIBA Naoko
ヨーグ・オベルグフェル Jörg OBERGFELL

1976 シュヴァルツヴァルト、ドイツ生まれ
2006 アカデミー・オブ・ファインアーツ卒業(ニュルンヴェルグ、ドイツ)
2007 ゴールドスミス・カレッジ修了(ロンドン、イギリス)
2016 「out on a limb, gradus & Jörg Oberfell」/ケルン、ドイツ
2013 「Towers and Trees」galleryem/ソウル、韓国
2011 「Tout est construit」CEAAC/ストラスブール、フランス
2016 「Denn sie wissen was sie tun」NKV Aschaffenburg/ドイツ
2016 「The Pierot Studio」Display Gallery/ロンドン、UK
2015 「The Office」 (Art Pop for Pop Montreal)」/モントリオール、カナダ
2014 「Robo con Fractura」Local/サンティアゴ、チリ
2014 「The Ringenberg Biennale」/Ringenberg、ドイツ
2014 「The Pierot Project」Generation & Display/ロンドン、UK
2014 「Hagulane」Lovis Kabinett/Villingen-Schwenningen、ドイツ
photo: YAMAMOTO Tadasu