#ResidenciesWithoutBorders with AIR in Japan

Some artist-in-residence organizations in Japan have started participating in #ResidenciesWithoutBorders initiative as “TOUCH JAPAN”. https://air-j.info/en/news/2590/
Artists whose creative activities have been affected by the conflict are welcome to consult with us. https://docs.google.com/…/1FAIpQLSdIDjDroUf5Ss…/viewform
ACAC can provide consultation for paid residency here in Aomori. In addition, we are also currently accepting applications for fully supported open call residence program (its submission deadline is May 22, 2022). https://acac-aomori.jp/public/
Residences in Japan can also post their information from the following form. https://docs.google.com/…/1FAIpQLSdPoSliaY1yXn…/viewform
Thanks to PARADISE AIR, Matsudo, Kyoto Art Center, Tenjinyama Art Studio, and Tokairin-san from AIT for leading the “TOUCH JAPAN”!
「TOUCH JAPAN」として、#ResidenciesWithoutBorders の取り組みに日本のアーティスト・イン・レジンデンスも参加しています。紛争等によって、制作活動に影響を受けているアーティストの方々の相談にのったりと、何か力になることができないかと考えています。
日本でAIRを行っている施設、プログラム、個人でこの #ResidenciesWithoutBorders の活動に賛同していただける方は、ぜひ下記フォームにご連絡ください。 #ResidenciesWithoutBorders (google.com)