

2023年12月17日(日)をもってアーティスト・イン・レジデンスプログラム2023″starquakes” 展覧会が、同12月20日(水)をもちまして同プログラムが終了いたします。沢山のご来場・ご参加ありがとうございます。



年末年始 2023年12月29日(金)ー2024年1月3日(水)まで休館いたします。


加えて、定期点検のため 2024年1月7日(日)および、大学入学試験に関わる日程 2024年1月12日(金)ー1月14日(日)、1月26日(金)ー1月28日(日)、2月24日(土)ー2月25日(日)にも休館いたします。


Winter Holiday Closed Days (Dec, 2023 – Feb, 2024)

The exhibitions by an artist-in-residence program titled “starquakes” ends on Dec. 17 (Sun), 2023, and the whole program is completed on Dec. 20 (Wed), 2023. Thank you very much for your visit and participation in this program.

Our exhibition galleries are currently closed to the public due to no exhibition being held until next February. However, the lounge in the Exhibition Hall is opened from 9am to 7pm for reading art books, using the kids’ space, and holding meetings. We hope you will make use of it.

However, please note that the Aomori Contemporary Art Centre will be closed during the following period.

Closed from Dec. 29 (Fri), 2023 to Jan. 3 (Wed), 2024 as Year-end and New Year’s holidays

The ACAC will be open from Jan. 4 (Thu), 2024 in the New Year.

In addition, we closed on the dates related to maintenance: Jan 7 (Sun) and the university entrance examination: Jan. 12 (Fri) – 14 (Sun), Jan. 26 (Fri) – 28 (Sun) and Feb. 24 (Sat) – 25 (Sun), 2024.

Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.