1988年生まれ、ニューデリー在住。キュレーター、ライター。ジャワハルラール・ネルー大学芸術・美学校博士課程に在籍中。近年の活動として、コチ・ムジリス・ビエンナーレ2018のアシスタントキュレーター、プラメヤ芸術財団(PRAF)のキュレーター(2019~)を務める。また、2016年にニューヨークのISCP(International Studio& Curatorial Program)、2015年にコロンボのシールサ国際アーティスト・コレクティブにレジデンスプログラムで滞在。2015年、インド出身の新進/中堅美術ライターとして「アート・スクライブス・アワード」を受賞。
Born in 1988. Anushka Rajendran is a curator and art writer based in New Delhi. She was recently Assistant Curator for the most recent Kochi-Muziris Biennale 2018. She is also Curator of Prameya Art Foundation [PRAF], a recently established not-for-profit arts organization committed to art education and social practice in India. She is completing her PhD,“Where Lies the Public? Aesthetics of Social Engagement“ at the School of Arts and Aesthetics, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi. She hold an MPhil, as part of which she wrote “Installation Art in India: Preoccupations with Trauma”, and an MA in Arts and Aesthetics, also from the School of Arts and Aesthetics, Jawaharlal Nehru University. For her curatorial practice, she has been awarded fellowships that supported residencies with the International Studio and Curatorial Program, New York (by Inlaks Shivdasani Foundation), and Theertha International Artists’ Collective, Colombo (by PRAF). Her contribution as an art writer and editor was recognized in 2015 when she received the Art Scribes Award for emerging/mid-career art writers of Indian origin.
Selected Exhibitions
Tayeba Begum Lipi: Vanity Fair, Shrine Empire Gallery, 2019, New Delhi
Paul Wong: Private/Public/Lives, Prameya Art Foundation, 2018, New Delhi
Sue Williamson: Other Voices, Other Cities, Prameya Art Foundation, 2017 New Delhi
Lapses, Harrington Street Art Centre, 2017, Kolkata
Erasure, International Studio and Curatorial Program, 2016, New York