
1992年生、2016年東京外国語大学外国語学部南・西アジア課程ペルシア語専攻卒業。2018年東京藝術大学大学院メディア映像専攻修了。都市・郊外を横断的に整備するインフラストラクチャーや、それらに付属する風景の奥行きに注目し、主に3DCGアニメーションの 手法を用いて作品制作をおこなっている。近年では、埋立地で日々繰り広げられている物流のダイナミズムと都市における庭の出現に 注目し、新たな空間表現を展開している。主な個展に、「Paradise for Free」(Calm&Punk Gallery、東京、2021)、「エマージェンシー ズ! 035≪群生地放送≫」(NTT コミュニケーションセンター[ ICC]、 東京、2018)、グループ展に「多層世界の中のもうひとつのミュージアム―ハイパー ICC へようこそ」(NTT コミュニケーションセンター[ICC]、東京、2021)、「Back Tokyo Forth」(東京国際クルーズターミナル、東京、2021)、主催するプロジェクトに、手前の崖のバンプール(東京湾、東京、2022)、上映に、KAATアトリウム映像プロジェクト vol.21(神奈川芸術劇場、神奈川、2022)などがある。

Fujikura was born in Saitama, Japan in 1992. She currently lives and works in Tokyo. Fujikura received her Master of Film and New Media degree from Tokyo University of the Arts in 2018 and her Bachelor of Language and Culture Studies degree from Tokyo University of Foreign Studies in 2016. Accentuating images with artificial textures and tactile sensations, Fujikura assembles scenes that can free us from the continuation of time and sprawl in the modern city. The scenes materialize from industrial goods designed, manufactured, and installed by humans. Overwhelmed by the excess of the city, these items deviate from their programmed functions and from human control. As naked objects, they derive a peculiar trace of spirituality and a primal animism. On a plane where things exist as things, they render a form which will go on to possess autonomy. Interweaving 3D CG animation techniques and computer programming, Fujikura generates movement that surpasses even the creator’s intentions and devises a fabricated realization which can be perceived only through a screen. In recent years, her work has centered on the dynamism of daily logistics in reclaimed lands and the emergence of gardens in the city, as she develops new spatial expressions. Her work was selected for recognition by the jury of the 22nd Japan Media Arts Festival in 2019. Fujikura’s recent exhibitions include a solo exhibition entitled“ Colony Highway Broadcast”(NTT Inter Communication Center, Tokyo, 2018), and group exhibitions in“ Encounters in Parallel” (ANB Tokyo,Tokyo,2021)“, The Museum in the Multi-layered World”, (NTT Inter Communication Center [ICC], Tokyo, 2021) and“ Close to Nature, Next to Humanity”, (Taitung Art Museum, 2020).