Photo: Ufer! Art Documentary

福本 潮子

1945年静岡県清水市生まれ。68年京都市立美術大学(現・京都市立芸術大学)西洋画科卒業。ニューギニアの民族美術の学術調査に携わったことを機に、自らのアイデンティティを問いなおし、二代目龍村平蔵のもとで京都の染織文化を学ぶ。そのなかで藍に出会い作品制作を開始。日本の伝統と独自技法を組み合わせた藍染め作品を、80年代より欧米各地の国際展や個展で発表する機会を得て、国際的に評価を受けている。近年では、手績みの業が凝縮された希少な自然布に着目。時代とともに失われてゆく日本の手仕事にみられる風土や気質を再認識し、それを自らの作品に活かす制作を試みている。2015年、最初期からの活動の集大成として『福本潮子作品集 藍の青』を刊行(赤々舎、第50回造本装幀コンクール「出版文化国際交流会賞」受賞)。近年の個展「福本潮子展 藍の青 2021」(高島屋美術画廊やARTCOURT Gallery)などを通じ、古布の作品シリーズの新たな展開を見せている。

Born 1945 in Shimizu City, Shizuoka Prefecture, Fukumoto Shihoko graduated from Kyoto City University of Arts in 1968 with a degree in Western painting. After engaging in academic research on ethnic art in New Guinea, she began to consider the question of her own identity, studying the dyeing and weaving culture that flourished in Kyoto under TATSUMURA Heizo II. In the process, she encountered indigo and began producing her own works. Since the 1980s, she has had a number of opportunities to exhibit her indigo dye works, which combine Japanese tradition and her own techniques, at international and solo exhibitions in Europe and the USA, and has received international acclaim. In recent years, she has focused her attention on rare natural fabrics which are a condensed product of the handspun industry. She has gained a renewed appreciation of natural environment and human temperament reveled in Japan’s old and rapidly disappearing handicraft tradition, and attempts to bring this to life in her own work. In 2015, as a compilation of her activities since the beginning of her career, she published Fukumoto Shihoko: Japan Blue (Akaakasha), which was awarded the Publication Culture International Exchange Society Prize at the 50th Japan Book Design Awards. Her recent solo exhibition “Fukumoto Shihoko Exhibition: Ai no Ao (Japan Blue) 2021″ (Takashimaya Art Gallery and ARTCOURT Gallery), has revealed new developments in her series of works using old cloth.