Photo: 古村明法 Komura Akinori
中嶋 幸治
美術作家。青森県平川市(旧平賀町)生まれ。絵画、写真、造形、身体表現(行動)などの様々な手法を用いて、介護者・リンゴ栽培助手といった自身の境遇を支点にする表現方法を追求し、生活、社会、病、自然現象といった外部/内部への呼応と観測を試みている。主な展覧会に「横たわろう、通過せよ」 (Cyg art gallery、盛岡、2022)、「風とは」(TEMPORARY SPACE、札幌、2014) 「札幌国際芸術祭2014」(札幌、2014) など。
Born in 1982 in Aomori’s Hirakawa City (formerly called Hiraka-machi), Nakajima spent a few years in Sapporo before returning to his hometown where he currently juggles his work as an artist, caregiver, and assistant worker at an apple farm. Through his artwork, he aims to open himself to the transitions or traces of various topologies that exist in this universe, thereby preserving the memories of these experiences.