Photo: HAMADA Shin

SIDE CORE(サイドコア)

2012年より活動開始。メンバーは高須咲恵、松下徹、西広太志。ストリートカルチャーを切り口に様々なアートプロジェクトを展開している。「風景にノイズを起こす」をテーマに、都市や地域でのリサーチを土台としてアクションを伴った作品を制作。ギャラリーや美術館での展覧会開催の他に、壁画プロジェクトや街を探索する「ナイトウォーク」など野外空間での活動も展開。全てのプロジェクトは、公共空間における視点や思考を転換させ、表現や行動を拡張することを目的としている。近年参加した主な展覧会に「大京都芸術祭2020 in 京丹後」(2020、京都府)、「生きている東京展」(2020、ワタリウム美術館、東京)、「Out of Blueprints by Serpentine Galleries」(2020、NOWNESS, UK)など。

SIDE CORE is a unit started in 2012. The group is composed of members TASKASU Sakie, MATSUSHITA Tohru, and NISHIHIRO Taishi, who have been behind various art projects on street culture. Their projects are action-based and designed to “make some noise,” based on research of different cities and regions. In addition to holding exhibitions at galleries and museums, they have also extended their range of activity outside the white cube to outdoor spaces that include mural projects and “NIGHT Walk” that explores the city. All of their projects aim to shift perspectives and thought surrounding public spaces and expand the realm of creative expression and action. Recent exhibitions include Great Kyoto Arts Festival 2020 in Kyotango (2020, Kyoto), Living Tokyo (2020, Watarium, Tokyo), and Out of Blueprints by Serpentine Galleries (2020, NOWNESS, UK) etc.