山極 壽一

総合地球環境学研究所 所長。1952 年東京都生まれ。京都大学理学部卒、同大学院理学研究科博士後期課程単位取得退学。理学博士。ルワンダ共和国カリソケ研究センター客員研究員、日本モンキーセンター研究員、京都大学霊長類研究所助手、京都大学大学院理学研究科助教授、同教授、同研究科長・理学
部長を経て、2020 年まで第 26 代京都大学総長。人類進化論専攻。屋久島で野生ニホンザル、アフリカ各地で野生ゴリラの社会生態学的研究に従事。 日本霊長類学会会長、国際霊長類学会会長、日本学術会議会長、総合科学技術・イノベーション会議議員を歴任。現在、総合地球環境学研究所 所長、環境省中央環境審議会委員を務める。著書に『人生で大事なことはみんなゴリラから教わった』(2020 年、家の光協会)、『スマホを捨てたい子
どもたち―野生に学ぶ「未知の時代」の生き方』(2020 年、ポプラ新書)、『京大というジャングルでゴリラ学者が考えたこと』(2021 年、朝日新書)など多数。

Juichi Yamagiwa is the Director-General of Research Institute for Humanity and Nature. He is a world-renowned researcher and expert in the study of primatology and human evolution. He was awarded Doctor of Science from Kyoto University in 1987. After
holding positions at the Karisoke Research Center, Japan Monkey Center, and Primate Research Institute Kyoto University, he has been Professor of Graduate School of Science at Kyoto University since 2002. He was Dean of Graduate School and Faculty of Science from 2011 to 2013 and has been the 26th President of Kyoto University from 2014 to 2020. Dr. Yamagiwa has also served as President of International Primatological Society from 2008 to 2012, and as the Editor in Chief of Primates, a quarterly peer-reviewed scientific journal of primatology published by Springer Science+Business Media from 2010 to 2014. In Japan, he served as the president of the Japan Association of National Universities, the president of Science Council of Japan, and is now the member of Environmental Policy Committee of Ministry of Environment. Dr. Yamagiwa’s passion for fieldwork research frequently made him travel to Africa, such as Rwanda, Republic of the Congo, and Gabonese Republic, where he discovered an abundance of new findings related to gorillas, through his unique viewpoint of evolution.