Artist Talk before the Opening

  • 日本語

>> http://www.youtube.com/user/acacaomori


  • 碓井ゆい
    USUI Yui

    現代社会において見てみぬ振りをされている出来事や歴史について、個人的な経験や疑問を社会的・政治的なものとして捉え、文献資料やインタビューによるリサーチを通して紐解き、手芸などの身近なテクニックや素材を用いて、平面からインスタレーションまで様々な作品を制作している。主な個展に「shadow work」(小山市車屋美術館、2016年)など。近年「あいちトリエンナーレ2019」(名古屋市美術館等)、「アッセンブリッジ・ナゴヤ2019」(名古屋港一帯)など多数のグループ展に参加している。「VOCA展2018」では大賞にあたるVOCA賞を受賞。
    URL: https://yuiusui.com/

  • 遠藤薫
    ENDO Kaori

    沖縄県立芸術大学工芸専攻染織コースおよび、アルスシムラ卒業。生活に根差した工芸の本質を現代美術的な視座から探るべく、テキスタイルに複雑な社会的事実が織り込まれていると考え、布を集め使用と修復の行為を繰り返す。また近年では、沖縄やベトナムを中心とする東アジア各地を訪れ、それぞれの土地の布について調査と蒐集を続けている。主な個展に『重力と虹霓(こうげい)』「第13回shiseido art egg・遠藤薫展」(資生堂ギャラリー、2019年。本展において大賞にあたる第13回shiseido art egg賞を受賞)など。主なグループ展に「Bangkok Biennal 2018『BARRAK : survibes』」(White Line、タイ、2018年)など。
    URL: https://www.kaori-endo.com/

  • 林介文(リン・ジェーウェン/ラバイ・イヨン)
    LIN Gieh-Wen / Labay Eyong

    バルセロナ自治大学大学院(展示空間デザイン)修士課程修了。台湾原住民の太魯閣(トゥルク)族の一員として、伝統的な織物の技法を用いながら、ジュエリーデザインの知識も活かし、彫刻的なインスタレーション作品を制作している。時にコミュニティの織り手たちとも協働しながら、特に女性の身体性やアイデンティティーなどに焦点を当てている。台湾では国際展など多くの展覧会に参加しているが、日本での作品発表は初となる。主な展覧会に「2016 Taiwan Biennial: The Possibility of an Island」(国立台湾美術館)、「Hiding in the island」(台北当代芸術館、2017年)など。


>> http://www.youtube.com/user/acacaomori

Wednesday, April 29

  • USUI Yui

    Artist. Born in Tokyo in 1980 and lives in Saitama.
    Dealing with events that happen or happened in the contemporary society and history from which people look away, Usui views her personal experiences and questions as social and political, and studies them through reference books and interviews for research so as to create a variety of works from the two-dimensional to installations using familiar techniques and materials such as handcrafts. Her major solo exhibitions include “shadow work” (Oyama City Kurumaya Museum of Art, 2016). In recent years, she has participated in many group exhibitions including Aichi Triennale 2019 (Nagoya City Art Museum, etc.) and Assembridge NAGOYA 2019 (the Nagoya Port area). At VOCA Exhibition 2018, she won the grand prize, VOCA Award.
    URL: https://yuiusui.com/

  • ENDO Kaori

    Textile/Visual artist. Born in Osaka in 1989 and lives in Hanoi, Vietnam and Osaka.
    Graduated from Textiles Course, Okinawa Prefectural University of Arts, and Ars Shimura. Endo intends to explore the essence of crafts rooted in everyday life from the perspective of contemporary art. As she believes that complex social facts are woven into textiles, she collects fabrics and repeatedly uses and repairs them. In recent years, she continues to visit different places in East Asia, mainly Okinawa and Vietnam, to conduct research on and collect respective local textiles. Her major solo exhibitions include “Gravity and Rainbow,” the 13th shiseido art egg, Endo Kaori Exhibition (Shiseido Gallery, 2019) in which she won the grand prize, the 13th shiseido art egg award. She has participated in group exhibitions including “BARRAK: survibes,” in Bangkok Biennial 2018 (White Line, Thailand, 2018).

  • LIN Gieh-Wen / Labay Eyong

    Artist. Born in Hualien, Taiwan in 1982 and lives there.
    Completed master’s course of Temporary Space Design at Autonomous University of Barcelona. As a member of Truku tribe, indigenous people of Taiwan, she uses traditional weaving techniques while making use of her knowledge of jewelry design to create sculptural installations. Collaborating with weavers in the local community at times, she focuses on the female body and identities. While having participated in many exhibitions including international shows in Taiwan, she opens her exhibition for the first time in Japan. Her major exhibitions include “Taiwan Biennial: The Possibility of an Island” (National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts, 2016) and “Hiding in the Island” (Museum of Contemporary Art Taipei, 2017).

