ヴィジョン・オブ・アオモリ vol. 10
写真家の叔父の影響を受けてカメラを手にした小山田は、少年時代から写真を撮ることに親しんでいた。美術大学に進学し写真を本格的に学ぶが、学業よりは音楽活動に勤しみプロデビューを目指すほどのめり込んでいたという。音楽制作では主にコンピュータを用いた打ち込みによる作曲に没頭しており、部屋に籠ってモニタに向かい続ける日々を送っていた。引きこもってひとつのことに没頭するこの質(たち)は、その写真作品にもよく現れている。小山田の代表作である「PLANET」は世界の有名観光地を被写体としたものだが、その作品は彼が世界を飛び回ることによって生まれたというよりは、室内でひたすら写真を収集整理することがきっかけで生まれたものだ。小山田は大学卒業後に世界を周遊する豪華客船に専属カメラマンとして乗り込み5年間で地球を5周し、日々船上や観光名所で乗客たちの写真を撮り続けてきた。その傍らで、観光客が喜ぶ記念撮影とは異なる彼独自の視点で素材を集めるように無数の写真を撮影していた。毎日膨大な写真を撮影し、それを翌日には乗客の元に届けるために狭い船室でコンピュータに取り込んでは、客たちの記念撮影と自身の素材写真を選り分け、編集や加工を続けていた。何度も同じ有名観光地を訪れる度に、かつてそこが戦場であったなどのその場所を人が訪れる理由を生み出した歴史を知るようになり、「名所を名所たらしめる地上の風景を消失させるとその地はどのように認識されるのか」と疑問を投げかけるように、地平線上に建ち上がるアイコニックな風景を漆黒に塗りつぶす写真群を生み出した。各写真には、《Central Park, New York》というように撮影地の名称が付されており、その地名により場所を特定し、その地の異なった表情に着目することができる。小山田は各地を幾度も訪れ写真を撮り続けたからこそ、それらを俯瞰し、等価に眺めることが可能になり、いわゆる観光写真には決して現れることのないそれぞれの土地の風景を特徴的に描き出した。
「Sunset, Pacific Ocean」、2011
Courtesy of the artist
2014 「 PLANET」青森公立大学国際芸術センター青森(ACAC)、青森
2013 「PORTRAIT/MIRROR」十和田市現代美術館内SHOP&CAFEアペロッサ、青森
2012 「PLANET」PIgallery 名古屋、愛知
2012 「PLANET」bank towada、青森
2013「THE ART FAIRS +PLUS-ULTRA」青山スパイラル、東京
2013「ART SAPPORO」アートホテルズ札幌、北海道
2013「PHOTO FAIR EINSTEIN」六本木ヒルズ、東京
2013「NTMY ISSUE.2 出版記念展」十和田現代美術館、青森
2012「EPCX2 受賞展」KATA GALLERY、東京
2012「Arts Towada Oirase Project」奥入瀬渓流館、蔦温泉、青森
2011「CANON 写真新世紀展」東京都写真美術館、東京/せんだいメディテーク、宮城
2012「EINSTEIN PHOTO COMPETITION」鈴木哲也賞(honeyee.com 編集長)
2012「リクルート社ガーディアンガーデン主催 1-wall」ファイナリスト
2011「CANON写真新世紀」佳作 大森克己選
2013「INDIA ART FAIR」ニューデリー
2013「ART DUBAI」ドバイ
小山田邦哉ウェブサイト>> http://www.kuniyaoyamada.com/
- 日時
- 2014年2月8日(土)-3月16日(日)10:00-18:00
- 会場
- ギャラリーB
- 対象
- 無料

《Central Park, New York》(2011)
Vision of Aomori vol. 10
OYAMADA Kuniya Exhibition-PLANET
Born From Nothingness: The True Beauty of the Earth
HATTORI Hiroyuki
After being inspired by his photographer uncle, OYAMADA Kuniya has been taking pictures since he was a boy. Oyamada eventually went on to study photography at an arts university, however, during his time as a student, he became obsessed with the idea of becoming a pro musician, forsaking his studies in favour of creating music. He primarily made music using his computer, spending days upon days locked up in his room staring at his computer screen.
Oyamada’s tendency to block out the world and completely immerse himself in something is also evident in his photography. One prime example is Oyamada’s most famous photo series, PLANET, which showcases some of the world’s most well-known tourist spots. But it’s clear that the series was born not as a result of Oyamada traveling around the world, so much as it was a product of all those hours he spent sifting through and editing photos on his computer.
After graduating university, Oyamada joined a photography studio which deployed him as a photographer on a cruise ship that toured the world. He spent a total of 5 years on the cruise ship, touring the world five times, taking photos of the passengers when they stopped at various landmarks. Whilst on the ship, Oyamada also spent time taking pictures for his own projects, photos which differed greatly from those that he was taking for tourists. Every day he would take countless photos for passengers which needed to be edited in time for the following day; sifting through and editing his own photos at the same time.
After visiting the world’s most famous tourist spots time and time again, Oyamada became familiar with the history of those places and just what it was that attracted so many tourists to them. It was this knowledge which ultimately gave him the idea of creating a series of photos where the iconic imagery of various tourist spots had been completely stripped away. Oyamada was curious to see just how people would react when the scenery that made a place famous was no longer there.
Each photo in the PLANET series is titled according to its location, allowing the viewer to see another side of the various landmarks. Through touring the world several times and continuously taking photos of the same places, Oyamada was able to capture the true essence of each location; a beauty not found in holiday photos.
PLANET would not have been possible without today’s technology and shows just how in tune with society current artists are. Through erasing the upper half of each photo, Oyamada aimed to focus the viewer’s attention on the ground and all that humanity has achieved on this small planet. At heart, PLANET is a series which shows just how much beauty is hidden in places that we rarely pay attention to, that this Earth is truly extraordinary and full of variety.
(Translated by Christopher ORR)
Sunset, Pacific Ocean, 2011
390mm×590mm, Lambda print, (A piece from PLANET, Unit of 12 photos)
Courtesy of the artist
| Biography |
1976 Born in Aomori.
2000 Graduated from Tokyo Zokei University
[Solo Exhibitions]
2014 PLANET, Aomori Contemporary Art Centre(ACAC),
Aomori Public University, Aomori
2013 PORTRAIT/MIRROR, Shop&Cafe Aperossa, Aomori
2012 PLANET, PIgallery, Aichi
2012 PLANET, bank towada, Aomori
[Group exhibitions]
2013 ART SAPPORO, Art Hotels Sapporo, Hokkaido
2013 SINGAPORE ART BOOK FAIR 2 , Singapore
2013 PHOTO FAIR EINSTEIN, Roppongi hills, Tokyo
2013 NICE TO MEET YOU Issue.2 , Towada Art Center, Aomori
2012 Exhibition of the award winners of EPCX2 , KATA GALLERY, Tokyo
2012 Arts Towada Oirase Project, Oirase Keiryu Kan / Tsuta Onsen, Aomori
2012 6 th 1 _WALL exhibition, Gardian Garden, Tokyo
2011 Canon newcosmos, Tokyo Metropolitan Museum of Photography, Tokyo / Sendai Mediatheque, Miyagi
[Award winnings]
2012 EINSTEIN PHOTO COMPETITION, SUZUKI Tetsuya prize (honeyee.com editor)
2012 Finalist for Gardian Garden
2011 Honorable mention for CANON newcosmos, Selected by OMORI Katsumi
OYAMADA Kuniya website>> http://www.kuniyaoyamada.com/
- Date
- February 8 (Sat) -March 16 (Sun), 2014, 10:00-18:00

《Central Park, New York》(2011)