Aomori City Archives Exhibiton
Every February through March at the ACAC, Aomori City and the Aomori City Board of Education hold the “Aomori City Archives Exhibition”, which aims to take advantage of artwork and everyday items archived at the former Keiko Kan Museum of Aomori that have been designated as cultural properties. It is not limited to the personal exhibitions of artists long-dead; theme-oriented exhibitions and displays which borrow contemporary artists’ perspective are also held in line with the contemporaneous “Vision of Aomori”, art workshops, and annual program themes, re-suggesting art through an angle unique to the ACAC.

The Aomori City Archives Exhibition with FURUSAKA Haruka ” Lore of the Land”
April 29 (sat) - June 18 (sun), 2017, 10:00-18:00

TOKOLO Asao × Aomori City Archives Exhibition “Individual and Group”
February 6 (sat) - March 13 (sun), 2016, 10:00~18:00

Aomori City Archives Exhibition “The construction of history is dedicated to the memories of the unnamed”
February, 7 (sat) - March 15 (sun), 2015, 10:00~18:00

NAKAZAKI Tohru ×Aomori City Archives Exhibition “Tracing snow tracks”
February 8 (sat)- March 16 (sun), 2014

OH Haji × Aomori City Archives Exhibition “Gestures in Clothing”
Feb 10 (Sun) - Mar 17 (Sun). 2013

Aomori City Archives Exhibiton
YAMAGUCHI Seion ‘Yama no uta’ (Mountain Song)
January 14 (Sat) ~ February 5 (Sun), 2012
10:00 - 17:00