視覚考現学研究室(O JUN+山下港)夏季ゼミナール「見えない世界を冒険するー記録集と黒板画の制作」
Laboratory of Visual Modernology (O JUN+YAMASHITA Minato) Summer Seminar "Adventures in the Invisible World: Making Record Books and Blackboard Paintings"

Illustration: YAMAMOTO Shuji
  • 日本語


定員:15人 ※要予約(申込締切:7月19日(火))、参加無料

お申込みはこちらからどうぞ→ https://forms.gle/zhkUL4nje1h91Ayd7

  • O JUN
    O JUN

    画家。東京藝術大学大学院美術研究科油画専攻修士課程修了。絵画を中心に、描くための画材や素材・方法を様々に試みている。国内外で個展・グループ展など多数。国際芸術センター青森では、2016年に個展「まんまんちゃん、あん」を開催した。作品集に『O JUN 1996-2007』(赤々舎、2007年)、『1982-2013 O JUN 描く児』(青幻社、2013年)、『途中の造物』(ミヅマアートギャラリー、2019年)など。

  • 山下 港
    YAMASHITA Minato



Let’s look at familiar objects and nature around us through the naked eye or a microscope. How do you see the world and the state of the world, including yourself, through this experience of seeing anew? We will sketch, draw on the blackboard, and photograph what we see, and together with the artist and researcher, we will think about what “seeing” means to us. Finally, we will each produce a book documenting the things we have seen.

Date: July 23 (Sat), 24 (Sun), August 6 (Sat), 7 (Sun), 2022, 10:30-13:00 (4 consecutive days of workshops)
Venue: ACAC facilities and surroundings
Things to bring: Pencils, colored pencils, watercolors, markers, or other drawing materials of your choice
Target: Junior high school students and older
Capacity: 15 people *Reservations required (application deadline: July 19 (Tue)), free of charge

  • O JUN

    O JUN is an artist who graduated from Tokyo University of the Arts with a Master of Fine Arts in Oil Painting. He has experimented with various painting tools, materials and methods with a focus on painting. O JUN has had many solo and group exhibitions, both in Japan and abroad. The Aomori Contemporary Art Center held his solo exhibition, “MANMANCHAN, AN”, in 2016. His collection of works includes O JUN 1996-2007 (AKAAKA Art Publishing, 2007), 1982-2013 O JUN kakuco (Drawing Child) (Seigensha Art Publishing, 2013), and Tochu no zobutsu (Unfinished Creation) (Mizuma Art Gallery, 2019).

  • YAMASHITA Minato

    Yamashita is a third year Ph.D. student in the Department of Advanced Interdisciplinary Studies, at the Graduate School of Engineering, University of Tokyo. He belongs to the Networked Biophotonics and Microfluidics Laboratory (Ota Laboratory) . Yamashita develops new technologies that can extract more information from individual human cells to help in medicine and drug development. He has also been involved in a wide range of other biological research, including ecology, paleontology, and neuroscience. At the same time, Yamashita has a strong interest in art and continues to create and exhibit his work.

