パレスチナを考える② Station House Opera「At Home in Gaza and London」上映会+トーク
Thinking about Palestine 2. "At Home in Gaza and London" Screening and Talk by Station House Opera

© Station House Opera
  • 日本語

 上映後、ZOOMをつなぎ、ステーション・ハウス・オペラのJulian Maynard SMITHとTaghrid CHOUCAIR-VIZOSOによるトークを行う予定です(逐次通訳付き)。参加費は無料ですが、ぜひステーション・ハウス・オペラの協力者たちが募っているクラウドファンディングへの協力をお願いします。

協力:Julian Maynard SMITH、Taghrid CHOUCAIR-VIZOSO

Abeer AHMED’s fundraiser:

Mariam NASSER’s fundraiser:

政治的、経済的、物理的に大きな隔たりがある2つの場所に住む人々の生活を追った「At Home in Gaza and London」の上映会にACACで参加しませんか?
「At Home in Gaza and London」では、ライブストリーミングと録画映像をミックスして使用することで、アーティストたちが共に活動するひとつのパフォーマンス空間が作り出されています。彼らは互いの家、通り、その他の社会空間を占拠し、日常的な行動や悩みを共有し、互いに溶け込んだり、ドラマの幽霊のような主人公になったりするのです。

共同監督:Julian Maynard Smith & Taghrid Choucair-Vizoso
共同企画・出演:Ayah Abdelrahman, Abeer Ahmed, Tara Fatehi Irani, Ali Al-Hassany, Yoko Ishiguro, Mariam Nasser, Hamza Saftawi, Walid Tafesh and Owl Young
助監督:Ebaa Rezeq and Amjad Shabat
技術・音響チーム:Matthew Wasser, Enrico Aurigemma, Alastair Armstrong, Alex Hewitt, Paul Thomas, Mohammed AlGhoul, Mohammed Salem, Sophia Tuffin, Hani Mortaja
制作:Ania Obolewicz for Artsadmin
このプロジェクトは以下の支援を受けています:Arts Council England, Arab Fund for Arts and Culture, Qattan Foundation, Battersea Arts Centre, Gaza Sky Geeks, Fusion, LIFT, Arab British Centre, Watermans
謝辞:producers Victoria Lupton and Aimee Shalan (Pressure Cooker Arts), Najlaa Atallah, Yasmeen El-Khoudary

パレスチナを考える② Station House Opera「At Home in Gaza and London」上映会+トーク
会場:展示棟AVルーム ※無料、申込不要

  • ジュマナ・エミル・アブード
    Jumana Emil ABBOUD



A joint screening event by ACAC and Jumana Emil ABBOUD (from Palestine), an artist participating in this exhibition in cooperation with Station House Opera. In 2016, Station House Opera began a series of workshops with artists, performers and others in Gaza to develop a theatrical work that brings them together in one space shared by Gaza and the UK. These resulted in a July 2018 performance linking the El Wedad Theater in Gaza City with the Battersea Arts Center in London and the Liverpool Arab Arts Festival. Many of the production participants still live in Gaza.
 After the screening, ZOOM will be connected for a talk by Julian Maynard SMITH and Taghrid CHOUCAIR-VIZOMO of Station House Opera (with consecutive interpretation). There is no charge to attend, but you can help with the crowdfunding that Station House Opera’s collaborators are raising.

In cooperation with Julian Maynard SMITH and Taghrid CHOUCAIR-VIZOSO

・Crowdfunding soughts by Station House Opera collaborators
Abeer AHMED’s fundraiser:

Mariam NASSER’s fundraiser:

・About the work
Join ACAC for a screening of At Home in Gaza and London, which follows the lives of people living in two locations separated by great political, economic and physical divides.
In 2016 a group of artistic collaborators in Gaza and London began a series of digital workshops as an alternative means to defy the blockade.
Out of the exchanges emerged a theatre piece where they appear together in a single space shared by audiences in both cities. The last live performances were in July 2018, connecting El Wedad Theatre with Battersea Arts Centre and the Everyman Theatre as part of LAAF’s 2018 festival in Liverpool.
At Home in Gaza and London follows the lives of people living in two locations separated by great political, economic, and physical divides. By using a mix of live-streaming and recorded video, a single performance space is created where artists work together. They occupy each other’s homes, streets and other social spaces. Sharing their everyday behaviour and concerns, as they dissolve into each other or become ghostly protagonists in the drama.
Many of the collaborators in the production are still living in Gaza. They have lost family members, friends, colleagues, and homes. One of them, Ayah Abdulrahman died of cancer in 2019, having received intermittent yet insufficient treatment due to the blockade on Gaza. All of the studios and theatres we worked in have been destroyed.

Co-directed by Julian Maynard Smith & Taghrid Choucair-Vizoso
Co-devised and performed by: Ayah Abdelrahman, Abeer Ahmed, Tara Fatehi Irani, Ali Al-Hassany, Yoko Ishiguro, Mariam Nasser, Hamza Saftawi, Walid Tafesh and Owl Young.
Assistant Directors: Ebaa Rezeq and Amjad Shabat.
Technical & Sound Team: Matthew Wasser, Enrico Aurigemma, Alastair Armstrong, Alex Hewitt, Paul Thomas, Mohammed AlGhoul, Mohammed Salem, Sophia Tuffin, Hani Mortaja
Produced by Ania Obolewicz for Artsadmin
The journey has been supported by: Arts Council England, Arab Fund for Arts and Culture, Qattan Foundation, Battersea Arts Centre, Gaza Sky Geeks, Fusion, LIFT, Arab British Centre, Watermans.
With thanks to producers Victoria Lupton and Aimee Shalan (Pressure Cooker Arts), Najlaa Atallah, Yasmeen El-Khoudary.

  • Jumana Emil ABBOUD

    The work of Palestinian-Canadian artist ABBOUD bridges various mediums, and is inspired by water, folklore, and storytelling to express themes of longing and forced erasure of cultural heritage across the world. She is currently based between Jerusalem and London.

