平倉圭(芸術学) × 参加アーティスト トーク
HIRAKURA Kei (Art Critic) × Resident Artists Talk
- 日本語
× 野原万里絵 14:00-14:30
× 阪中隆文 14:30-15:00
× 神村恵 ワークインプログレス公演(15:30- 約1時間)後
野原万里絵NOHARA Marie
1987年大阪生まれ。2013年京都市立芸術大学大学院美術研究科絵画専攻油画修了。絵画を描く際の感覚的かつ曖昧な制作過程に関心を持ち、自ら制作した定規や型紙などの道具を用いた絵画作品を制作・発表している。また、ワークショップや協働制作も実施し、他者とのコミュニケーションを通して、絵画の新たな可能性を模索している。主な展覧会に、2020年「整頓された混乱」(gallery TOWED、東京)、2019 年「飛鳥アートヴィレッジ2019 回遊」/(奈良県立万葉文化館 展望ロビー、奈良)など。
阪中隆文SAKANAKA Takafumi
1989年東京生まれ。多摩美術大学造形表現学部映像演劇学科卒業。暗渠、ビルの天井裏、床下、古墳、空き地など都市や建築の周縁的領域に着目し、写真・映像・インスタレーションを制作する。遊びのような行為によって、社会の変化のなかで生まれる空白の空間を個々の身体や感情とコラージュのように結びつける。近年の主な展覧会に、2019年 個展「スーパープレイ」(Token Art Center、東京)、2019年「引込線/放射線」(第19北斗ビル、埼玉)など。
神村恵KAMIMURA Megumi
2004年より自身の作品の振付・上演を開始し、国内外で公演を行う。身体を物質、言語や他者との関係など様々な側面から観察し、再構築する作品を制作する。ソロでの活動に加え、2011年より高嶋晋一と「前後」、2016年より津田道子と「乳歯」を始動。「ダンス作戦会議」運営メンバーも2018年より務める。近年の主な作品に、2019年「Strange Green Powder」(フェスティバル/トーキョー19、東京)、2020年 乳歯「スクリーン・ベイビー#2」(トーキョーアーツアンドスペース本郷、東京)など。 -
× NOHARA Marie… 14:00-14:30
× SAKANAKA Takahumi… 14:30-15:00
× KAMIMURA Megumi… After Kamimura’s work-in progress performance
ACAC resident artists NOHARA Marie, SAKANAKA Takafumi and KAMIMURA Megumi will have a talk session respectively with HIRAKURA Kei, guest judge for this residence program, regarding their residency productions, exhibitions and performances. Each artist will talk for 30 minutes. We will also have a discussion opportunity in late October and late November about artists’ productions and present situations with all the participants including overseas artists, Mr. Hirakura and ACAC connected online.
Nov. 21 (Sat.), 2020, Afternoon
Not required
Received her M.F.A. from Graduate School of Arts, Kyoto City University of Arts. With an interest in the rather ‘ambiguous’ creative process of paintings, Nohara creates works by using self-made tools such as rulers and paper patterns. She has taken part in multiple workshops in various parts of Japan, and has also worked on collaborative works. By interacting with others and incorporating this into her works, she explores new possibilities of paintings. Her recent exhibitions include “Organized confusion” (gallery TOWD , Tokyo, Japan, 2020), “Asuka Art Village 2019 Round Trip” (Nara Prefecture Complex of Man’yo Culture observation lobby , Nara, Japan, 2019).
Born in Tokyo in 1989. Graduated from Department of Moving Images and Performing Arts, Faculty of Art and Communication Evening Division, Tama Art University. He works on photography, video and installation while focusing on the periphery of cities and architecture such as underdrain, attics, under the floor, ancient mounds, and vacant lots. Through his actions as if he were playing around, he connects blank spaces created in the midst of social changes with individual body and emotions as if tying them together like a collage. His recent exhibitions include his solo show “Super Play” (Token Art Center, Tokyo, 2019) and art project “Hikikomisen/Hoshasen” (Absorption/Radiation), (Dai 19 Hokuto Bldg., Saitama, 2019).
Choreographer and dancer.
Kamimura has been choreographing and performing her own pieces since 2004 and has performed in and outside Japan. Observing the body from various aspects such as a substance, language and relationships with others, she makes works by reconstructing them. While performing solos, she started “Zen-go” with TAKASHIMA Shinichi in 2011 and “babytooth” with TSUDA Michiko in 2016. She also works as an administration member of “Dance Strategy Meeting” since 2018. Her recent works include Strange Green Powder (Festival/Tokyo 19, Tokyo), Screen Baby #2 as babytooth in 2020 (Tokyo Arts and Space Hongo, Tokyo). -
HIRAKURA Kei (b. 1977, Japan) is an art theorist and art critic. His works explore the materially embodied process of thought in art making. Hirakura obtained his Ph.D in Interdisciplinary Information Studies from the University of Tokyo in 2009. He teaches art theory at Yokohama National University as an associate professor. He has authored several books on modern and contemporary art, film, and performance, including How Figures Think: Studies of Art Making, University of Tokyo Press, 2019; and Godard’s Method(s), Inscript, 2010.