アーティスト・イン・レジデンスプログラム2024“SPINNING SCAPES”参加者決定のお知らせ


2024年10月2日(水)ー12月24日(火)に実施する、公募型AIRプログラム”SPINNING SCAPES”の参加者が決定しましたのでお知らせいたします。本公募AIRは4月28日(日)まで募集を受け付けており、たくさんの方々にご応募いただきました。10月から始まるプログラムもぜひご期待ください。


八幡亜樹 YAHATA Aki

浅野友理子 ASANO Yuriko

マギー・チュウ Maggie CHU

ベアトリス・ディディエ Béatrice DIDIER










八幡亜樹 / 八幡が育った北海道・道南と津軽海峡を隔ててある青森。今回の滞在では八幡自身の母の記憶を辿りながら、いつか母の散骨の場となる津軽海峡、そして海洋散骨をテーマにリサーチを行い、自身の身体を介入させた作品制作を行います。

浅野友理子 / 豊かな自然が広がるACACの敷地内には、多くの野鳥が生息しています。本滞在ではACACのほかに、八甲田山や十和田湖周辺にもリサーチ範囲を広げ、鳥のペリット(消化できずに口から吐き出されたもの)や糞に含まれる種がもたらす生命の循環や、生き物の移動についてリサーチを行います。

マギー・チュウ / 自らの巣を持たない渡り鳥のカッコウから着想を得て、家を持たない状態や家という概念を考察しているチュウ。ACACでは滞在中に収集したものなどから「ネスティング(巣をつくる)」をコンセプトにインスタレーションを展開します。

ベアトリス・ディディエ / ベアトリス・ディディエが近年の作品制作におけるテーマとしてきた、歩くという行為と、自身が置かれている場所や風景とのつながりについて探求します。彼女の作品は、青森に住まう人々との出会いや関わり合いを通じて、いま・ここで起こることを反映するでしょう。

Announcement of Participants: Artist in Residence Program 2024 “SPINNING SCAPES”

We are pleased to announce that the participants for the open call artist-in-residence program 2024 “SPINNING SCAPES”, which will be held from October 2 (Wed) to December 24 (Tue), 2024, have been selected. Thank you for many applications and please look forward to starting the program!



Residency period: Oct. 16(Wed) – Dec. 10 (Tue)

ASANO Yuriko

Residency period: Nov. 13(Wed) – Dec. 10 (Tue)

Maggie CHU

Residency period: Oct. 9(Wed) – Nov. 19 (Tue)

Béatrice DIDIER

Residency period: Nov. 27(Wed) – Dec. 10 (The)

・About the Open Call and its screening

3 curators in the ACAC and KONDO Ryosuke, guest judge were include to conduct a screening and selection of the participants of this program. The 4 talented artists were approved after deliberations by Aomori Public University’s Education and Research Council.

Open call for applications: March 1 (Fri) – April 28 (Sun), 2024 (47 days)

Application screening and selection: May 27(Mon)

Total of applications: 495 (247 from overseas, 105 from Japan and 143 as 2-week program)

・Essay: In Regard to the screening (KONDO Ryosuke)

Please check the URL: https://acac-aomori.jp/report/air-2024-kondo1/


YAHATA Aki / Aomori is located across the Tsugaru Straits from southern Hokkaido, where Yahata Aki grew up. During her residency in Aomori, she will trace the memories of her mother while researching Tsugaru Straits—where her mother’s ashes will one day be scattered. Yahata will also consider the concept of ocean burial, creating artwork that involves her own body.

ASANO Yuriko / There are many wild birds that inhabit the rich natural areas surrounding the ACAC premises. During the residency, Asano Yuriko will expand the scope of her research from ACAC to the areas around Mt. Hakkoda and Lake Towada. She will focus on studying the cycle of life as seen through seeds found in birds’ pellets (undigested and regurgitated food) and droppings, as well as the movement of living organisms.

Maggie CHU / Inspired by migratory cuckoo, a bird that does not build its own nest, Maggie Chu has been exploring the “nomadic condition” and the concept of home. At ACAC, she will use objects and materials collected during her residency to develop an installation based on the idea of ‘nesting’.

Béatrice DIDIER / Béatrice Didier is going to explore the act of walking, the most recent theme for her art production, as well as her connection with the places and landscapes in which she finds herself. Her work will reflect what happens in the here and now, through her encounters and interactions with Aomori locals.