山極壽一 特別講演+景観研メンバーとのトーク
YAMAGIWA Juichi Special Lecture+Talk with the member of Keikanken

Illustration: YAMAMOTO Shuji
  • 日本語

40年以上アフリカでゴリラの研究を続け、人間やその社会をも含む、生物を取りまく地球環境について本質的な考察を行っている山極壽一総合地球環境学研究所 所長。日本におけるゴリラ研究の第一人者に、景観観察研究会の実践から見えてくることをご講演いただいたあと、景観研メンバーとトークを行います。

定員:40人 ※要予約(申込は締切りました)、参加無料


  • 山極 壽一
    YAMAGIWA Juichi

    総合地球環境学研究所 所長。1952 年東京都生まれ。京都大学理学部卒、同大学院理学研究科博士後期課程単位取得退学。理学博士。ルワンダ共和国カリソケ研究センター客員研究員、日本モンキーセンター研究員、京都大学霊長類研究所助手、京都大学大学院理学研究科助教授、同教授、同研究科長・理学
    部長を経て、2020 年まで第 26 代京都大学総長。人類進化論専攻。屋久島で野生ニホンザル、アフリカ各地で野生ゴリラの社会生態学的研究に従事。 日本霊長類学会会長、国際霊長類学会会長、日本学術会議会長、総合科学技術・イノベーション会議議員を歴任。現在、総合地球環境学研究所 所長、環境省中央環境審議会委員を務める。著書に『人生で大事なことはみんなゴリラから教わった』(2020 年、家の光協会)、『スマホを捨てたい子
    どもたち―野生に学ぶ「未知の時代」の生き方』(2020 年、ポプラ新書)、『京大というジャングルでゴリラ学者が考えたこと』(2021 年、朝日新書)など多数。

  • 筏井 宏実
    IKADAI Hiromi

    寄生虫学者。北里大学獣医学部准教授。岐阜大学大学院連合獣医学研究科修了、博士(獣医学)。専門は、主に寄生性原虫と媒介生物の相互関係。これまでにマラリア、バベシア症に関する研究を中心に行う。国内外の寄生虫学・獣医学系ジャーナルでの論文発表、学会での口頭発表など多数。最近の記事執筆に「One Healthの概念と人獣共通感染症:感染症と付き合うために理解しておくこと」(『ICNR』、2020年)など。

  • 伊勢 武史
    ISE Takeshi


  • 板津 悟
    ITAZU Satoru


  • O JUN
    O JUN

    画家。東京藝術大学大学院美術研究科油画専攻修士課程修了。絵画を中心に、描くための画材や素材・方法を様々に試みている。国内外で個展・グループ展など多数。国際芸術センター青森では、2016年に個展「まんまんちゃん、あん」を開催した。作品集に『O JUN 1996-2007』(赤々舎、2007年)、『1982-2013 O JUN 描く児』(青幻社、2013年)、『途中の造物』(ミヅマアートギャラリー、2019年)など。

  • 大庭 ゆりか
    OBA Yurika


  • 新津保 建秀
    SHINTSUBO Kenshu

    写真家。東京藝術大学大学院美術研究科油画専攻修了。博士(美術)。写真、ドローイング、映像、フィールドレコーディングなどによる制作を行う。主な作品集に、池上高志との共作『Rugged TimeScape』(FOIL、2010年)、『Spring Ephemeral』(FOIL、2011年)、『\風景』(角川書店、2012年)など。近作に、詩人の立原道造(1914-39)が生前に構想した別荘を主題とした「往還の風景_別所沼公園」(さいたま国際芸術祭2020、2020年)など。

  • 山本 修路
    YAMAMOTO Shuji

    作家。多摩美術大学絵画学科油画専攻卒業。庭師のバックグラウンドを持ちながら、「大自然と人間の関わり」をテーマに日本各地でフィールドワークを続け、農作から携わる酒造・メープルシロップづくりから、林業についての考察など、その活動は多岐にわたる。青森県内での活動として、十和田市現代美術館に彫刻作品を恒久設置(2008年)、「Aomori Spring Sprout展 ―青森 春に芽吹く光―」(青森県立美術館県民ギャラリー、2022年)に参加。


YAMAGIWA Juichi, director of the Research Institute for Humanity and Nature has been researching gorillas in Africa for more than 40 years and has made essential observations about the global environment surrounding living creatures, including humans and their societies. After a lecture by Prof. YAMAGAMI as Japanese leading gorilla researcher on what he sees from the practice of the Society for Landscape Observation and Research, he will hold a talk with members of Keikanken.

Date: September 24, 2022 (Sat) 14:30-16:30
Venue: Workshop Studio (Changed from Lecture Room), Creative Hall
Target: Anyone
Capacity: 40 people *Reservations required (application deadline is closed), free of charge

Online live streaming is available on YouTube (archived broadcast is being coordinated)

  • YAMAGIWA Juichi

    Juichi Yamagiwa is the Director-General of Research Institute for Humanity and Nature. He is a world-renowned researcher and expert in the study of primatology and human evolution. He was awarded Doctor of Science from Kyoto University in 1987. After
    holding positions at the Karisoke Research Center, Japan Monkey Center, and Primate Research Institute Kyoto University, he has been Professor of Graduate School of Science at Kyoto University since 2002. He was Dean of Graduate School and Faculty of Science from 2011 to 2013 and has been the 26th President of Kyoto University from 2014 to 2020. Dr. Yamagiwa has also served as President of International Primatological Society from 2008 to 2012, and as the Editor in Chief of Primates, a quarterly peer-reviewed scientific journal of primatology published by Springer Science+Business Media from 2010 to 2014. In Japan, he served as the president of the Japan Association of National Universities, the president of Science Council of Japan, and is now the member of Environmental Policy Committee of Ministry of Environment. Dr. Yamagiwa’s passion for fieldwork research frequently made him travel to Africa, such as Rwanda, Republic of the Congo, and Gabonese Republic, where he discovered an abundance of new findings related to gorillas, through his unique viewpoint of evolution.

  • IKADAI Hiromi

    Ikadai is a parasitologist and Associate Professor at the School of Veterinary Medicine, Kitasato University. After graduating from the United Graduate School of Veterinary Sciences, Gifu University, with a Ph.D. in Veterinary Medicine, Ikadai now specializes in the interrelationships between protozoan parasites and their vectors. His research has focused on malaria and babesiosis. He has published numerous articles in national and international parasitology and veterinary journals and given oral presentations at academic conferences. His recent articles include One Health no gainen to jinju kyotsu kansensho: kansensho to tsukiau tame ni rikai shite oku koto (The Concept of One Health and Zoonosis: What to Understand to Deal with Infectious Diseases) (ICNR, 2020).

  • ISE Takeshi

    Ise is an ecologist and Associate Professor at the Field Science Education and Research Center, Kyoto University. After graduating from Harvard University with a Ph.D. in Organismic and Evolutionary Biology, Ise now specializes in forest ecology and computer simulation. From global warming to human evolution, his lifework is to study the relationship between humans and nature. His major monographs include Manande miruto seitaigaku wa omoshiroi (Learning Ecology is Unexpectedly Fun) (Beret Publishing, 2013) and Seitai gakusha no me no tsukedokoro (Ecologist’s Perspectives) (Beret Publishing, 2021).

  • ITAZU Satoru

    Itazu is a printer and the president of Itazu Litho-Ggrafik. He studied lithography at the Tamarind Institute (University of New Mexico). Itazu explores the possibilities of artistic printmaking expression in lithography that was used for general printing, and collaborates with artists to create fascinating artworks. His major exhibitions include “Footprints” (Museum Haus Kasuya, 2016).

  • O JUN

    O JUN is an artist who graduated from Tokyo University of the Arts with a Master of Fine Arts in Oil Painting. He has experimented with various painting tools, materials and methods with a focus on painting. O JUN has had many solo and group exhibitions, both in Japan and abroad. The Aomori Contemporary Art Center held his solo exhibition, “MANMANCHAN, AN”, in 2016. His collection of works includes O JUN 1996-2007 (AKAAKA Art Publishing, 2007), 1982-2013 O JUN kakuco (Drawing Child) (Seigensha Art Publishing, 2013), and Tochu no zobutsu (Unfinished Creation) (Mizuma Art Gallery, 2019).

  • OBA Yurika

    Oba is an ecologist and a researcher in the Division of Forest Ecosystem at the Field Science Education and Research Center, Kyoto University. She earned her Ph.D. from the Hiroshima University Organization of the World-leading Innovative Graduate Education Programs, Program for Phoenix Leader Education Program for Renaissance from Radiation Disaster. Oba specializes in forest ecology and environmental science. Her research focuses on the interactions between different ecosystems and the relationships between organisms and the environment.

  • SHINTSUBO Kenshu

    Shintsubo is a photographer who graduated from Tokyo University of the Arts, majoring in oil painting, and has a Ph.D. in Fine Arts. He works in photography, drawing, filming, and field recording. Shintsubo’s major collections include Rugged TimeScape (FOIL, 2010), a collaboration with IKEGAMI Takashi, Spring Ephemeral (FOIL, 2011), and \Fukei (\Landscape) (Kadokawa Shoten, 2012). His recent works include Okan no fukei _Besshonuma Koen (Scenery of Going Back and Forth_Besshonuma Park ) (Saitama Triennale 2020, 2020), which is based on the villa designed by the late poet TACHIHARA Michizo (1914-39).

  • YAMAMOTO Shuji

    Yamamoto is an artist who graduated from Tama Art University, majoring in oil painting. With a background as a gardener, he has continued his fieldwork throughout Japan, exploring the theme, “relationship between nature and humans.” Yamamoto’s activities range from farming to sake brewing, maple syrup production, and the study of the forestry industry. His activities in Aomori Prefecture include the permanent installation of a sculpture at the Towada Art Center (2008) and participation in the “Aomori Spring Sprout” exhibition (Aomori Museum of Art, Community Gallery, 2022).

