IKADAI Laboratory Workshop "Kitasato 'Hakkoda Academy' Branch: Parasitology Practice"

Illustration: YAMAMOTO Shuji
  • 日本語


定員:各回5組程度 ※要予約(申込は締切りました)、参加無料

  • 筏井 宏実
    IKADAI Hiromi

    寄生虫学者。北里大学獣医学部准教授。岐阜大学大学院連合獣医学研究科修了、博士(獣医学)。専門は、主に寄生性原虫と媒介生物の相互関係。これまでにマラリア、バベシア症に関する研究を中心に行う。国内外の寄生虫学・獣医学系ジャーナルでの論文発表、学会での口頭発表など多数。最近の記事執筆に「One Healthの概念と人獣共通感染症:感染症と付き合うために理解しておくこと」(『ICNR』、2020年)など。

  • 北里大学獣医学部獣医寄生虫学研究室
    Laboratory of Veterinary Parasitology, Kitasato University


  • 中村 咲蓮
    NAKAMURA Sakure



Parasites live in familiar creatures. For example, shellfish in irrigation canals, fish swimming in ponds, frogs in rice paddies… What do you feel? A little creepy? Cute? Hands-on experience with parasites will be held in the gallery. Wouldn’t you like to experience an encounter with the creatures “inside” living things?
August 11 and September 8: Living parasites will be observed with loupes and microscopes.
August 25 and September 21: Using a parasite specimen, express its “form” in a sketch.

Date: August 11 (Thu, holiday), 25 (Thu), September 8 (Thu), and 21 (Wed), 2022, 14:30-16:30
Venue: Gallery A, Exhibition Hall
Eligibility: Anyone
Reservations required (Application is closed), free of charge

  • IKADAI Hiromi

    Ikadai is a parasitologist and Associate Professor at the School of Veterinary Medicine, Kitasato University. After graduating from the United Graduate School of Veterinary Sciences, Gifu University, with a Ph.D. in Veterinary Medicine, Ikadai now specializes in the interrelationships between protozoan parasites and their vectors. His research has focused on malaria and babesiosis. He has published numerous articles in national and international parasitology and veterinary journals and given oral presentations at academic conferences. His recent articles include One Health no gainen to jinju kyotsu kansensho: kansensho to tsukiau tame ni rikai shite oku koto (The Concept of One Health and Zoonosis: What to Understand to Deal with Infectious Diseases) (ICNR, 2020).

  • Laboratory of Veterinary Parasitology, Kitasato University

    Established in 1981, the Laboratory of Veterinary Parasitology is based on the Laboratory of Animal Pathology and Parasitology, which was opened in 1966 when Kitasato University’s Towada Campus was founded. Taking advantage of the location of nature-rich Towada City, the laboratory studies parasites and vectors of parasitic infections in wild animals, their ecology, and their effects on their hosts. Faculty members include Associate Professor Ikadai Hiromi and Assistant Professor KUSAKISAKO Kodai.

  • NAKAMURA Sakure

    Nakamura is a first year Ph.D. student in the Department of Veterinary Medicine, at the Kitasato University Graduate School of Veterinary Medicine. She conducts research on the parasite fauna and ecology of wild animals, focusing mainly on trematodes. Nakamura has participated in projects, such as “Where is ‘Chiiki art’?” , as a supporter of the Towada Art Center. She also exhibits, lectures, and writes articles based on her own production activities using discarded wool.

