Workshop “Watching your drawn line” by MOTOYAMA Yukari @ Aomori Chuo high school


We held Workshop “Watching your drawn line” by MOTOYAMA Yukari at Aomori Chuo high school. 14 students was participant.



At first, Yukari talked about her previous works including how she made them. She told we can make good painting by just 3 lines.


Next, Students made some drawing quickly, changing 30, 20, 10seconds, and motif.

They selected the best one from drawings, piling acrylic board on it, and track their lines with paint.


Students tried hard to make various difference of lines, amount of paints.


In the end, Yukari told us good point their works, they seems to be embressed, but have also confident. It noticed us they understood we can make good works quickly, and fun just drawing.
