Overseas dispatchingーFUNAI Misa’s report from Brazil (1)
ACAC dispatches one Japanese artist to an AIR institution in foreign country once a year. We dispatch FUNAI Misa, who joined the Autumn AIR in 2007 and Solo show in 2017 at ACAC, to Atelie Fidalga in Sao Paulo, Brazil in this year. She stays from the end of February to the end of March and will hold lecture and exhibition there. ACAC introduce her report from Sao Paulo here.
Sao Paulo is a center of the economy in Brazil.
The first and the second photos are the building of The Museu de Arte de São Paulo (MASP) (Museum of Art Sao Paulo) and the buffet style lunch at the restaurant there.
There are diverse food culture in Brazil.
Pão de queijo which is mixed with Portuguese food and Indigenous ingredient, croquette, sweets, Feijoada which is stew of meat and beans and its roots is slaves from Africa, Russian Jewish foods, Italian foods, Hummus from Middle East, Shiitake mushroom or ginger or rolling sushi from Japan, etc.
Diverse foods from different country served in one dish, and it seems Brazilian society which constructed by immigrant.
I stay in Atelie Fidalga which is located in Sao Paulo and produce new artwork, then hold the exhibition.
Also, research about 2 things.
Of course I would like to know about art scene in Brazil, moreover, as more personal research, I would like to research about Brazilian society which composed by diverse culture by the immigrants and new culture they created.
This is because my base of the artist is Japanese painting. I have been trying to fuse the oriental art and western modern and contemporary art, and create new art work. Also, To know about fusion of various culture will be a good reference for my expression and to think about Japanese society which apt to be conservative.
Recently, “Diversity” is emphasized in all over the world, and I strongly indeed it. But I feel that the sense of Japanese people is quite different from “tolerant and richness of mind brought by diversity.”
Albano AFONSO who is Brazilian artist and stayed together in ACAC in 2017 said that many things are opposite from Japan. It is not only location and climate. For example, there is an army but not had a war, also there is a various races but no racism in Brazil. I would like to know and think about how the multicultural society is like.
Second, I would like to research art education in Brazil. I mean it is not for the specialist at the art university, but also for the public. This relate to my consideration that there is a problem in Japanese education system. In Japan, art education in the art university
is solid, but for the children and the public is very limited and not enough. I held the symposium with YAMAMOTO Masami, curator of Funabashi city government and curated the exhibition “Wonderful world” in Museum of Contemporary Art Tokyo
MASP https://masp.org.br
ちょうど3月は国際女性デーがあるということで、地下展示室では女性作家3人の展覧会が開催されていた。それぞれ、ブラジルのナイーブアートの大家Pedro FigariのAfurican Nostalgiasという回顧展と、アフリカの布を使用する黒人の彫刻家Sonia Gomesの個展、現在78歳!の画家Lucia Lagunaの近作展、それぞれブラジルでとても有名で、作品の価格も高価で人気がある作家だそう。アートの世界で人種差別はあるのか聞いてみたところ、全く無いし混血が進んでいるから意味が無いとのこと。上のフロアではこちらも有名作家であったらしい黒人男性のRubem Valentimによる、アフリカの文様をモチーフにしたモダンでミニマルな抽象作品の回顧展が展開されていた。
Lucia Laguna
Rubem Valentim
アトリエ・フィダルガ http://www.ateliefidalga.com
CAC web
Overseas dispatchingーKAMATA’s report from Brazil(3)
This time will be the last report.
I went to research for Registro on December 27th and 28th. There are many Japanese houses which were built on the beginning of the 20 century. Renata who joined the residence program together in ACAC accompanied me.
It took about 3 hours from Sao Paulo by car. First of all, I met Mr. Fukuzawa who is president of the Japan Cultural Association.
Japanese people has begun to migrate since around 1916 and about 250 families have migrated in a few years in Registro. In Brazil, Japanese houses are called such as; “The first term houses” —simple style houses which were builed by the first immigrants. “The second term houses”—the houses for the settling down after the first term. Now, many of the Japanese houses are “The third term” and “The fourth term.” They seems that most of the houses are.
There are many second term houses built in the 1920s and 1930s in Registro. (By the way, one of the “second term houses” in Registro has been moved to Meiji village in Nagoya, Japan.) Mr. Hijioka who researches on Japanese architecture in Brazil accompanied me. 4 members include he, me and Renata went the forest where Japanese houses remain by car.
Registro is called Amazon of Sao Paulo. a Japanese house suddenly appeared after we went along the rough road in the jungle. A desolate Japanese house built before nearly 100 years exists quietly in a jungle which is almost reverse of Japan on the earth. I took photos and movies and was moved by the fact that this Japanese house is still existent.
I took photos and movies and was moved by the fact that this Japanese house is still existent.
I heard a very interesting episode while asking various histories about architecture. Those who came from Japan at that time had knowledge of the construction method of the building, but they had no knowledge about Brazilian timber at all. People liberated from the slavery which abolished in 1888, lived the forest in this area long before the Japanese people came to here . The indigenous people were familiar with the characteristics of Brazilian trees and plants well, and they taught the people who came from Japan the characteristics and usage of the material. I was surprised that the culture was mixed at this point and Japanese – Brazilian houses which were a little different from Japanese houses in Japan were born.
I imagined about the lives of people at the time, but I think that the severity was unimaginable.
However, I could receive hundreds or thousands of times information than I researched on the books or the internet by not only visual information but also by the feeling the temperature, the humidity,and stepping over the muddy ground with many flying insects by visiting . It was just a little but I felt to contact with history directly.
I visited 8 Japanese houses in two days. I would like to show you some photos.
Mr. Fukuzawa and Mr. Hijioka who guided me are trying to conserve these Japanese houses, and they said that there are many problems of materials, technical aspects, management and so on. I think that I will produce the next project with the theme of Registro and Japan includes the difficulty of preservation.
I produced the work “The House” which the reversed image of the house reflected on the water in ACAC two years ago. The reflected image is similar to that Japanese house in Brazil which are located in a literally reversed position. My new work will be based on the relationship between the two houses. I strongly thought about that and left Registo.
Thank you for your reading.
Thank you very much to Sandra and Albano who preside over Atelier Fidalga, Renata and Reca who researched with me, Artists in Sao Paulo, everyone at Registo and Mojidas Cruzes, staffs of Museum of Japanese Immigration and staffs of ACAC who sent me to this research.
I am looking forward to the day I could show the new work as this research fruits.
Overseas dispatchingーKAMATA’s report from Brazil(2)
I got a little time from the previous report, would like to introduce you this research in Brazil. I am working with Research on Japanese houses had been built from the 1900s to around after World War II in Korea, Japan and the United States. Since 1910, Many Japanese-style houses were built for the governance in South Korea, and many of them still remain. The wood material were brought from Japan because there was not so much wood resources. Though, many of the Japanese-style houses that are currently left have been added walls or renovated. They pay important roles to think about history.
Meanwhile, Many Japanese settlments had begun living in Brazil since 1908. Of course, The situation is completely different from South Korea, and the settlers had to start to cut down the forest for their life at that time. How were able to make or not their life-styles in Brazil then? When the environment changes greatly, how the building as the foundation of life changes. That is the concept of research in Brazil.
↑ extra from “Visualized “One hundred years of Japanese imgrants in Brazil.”
First of all, I visited the Museum of Japanese immigration which I report by photos in the previous report again, and I interviewed a staff and looked at various pictures. The pictures below are about the architecture which was built by Japanese in Registro, and seems the style of doors and windows are different from these of Japan.
The woods are from Brazil, and the wall seemed to be employed Japanese style soil walls. I will reseach to Registro this week, so I will report the details of them later.
Well, the other day, I have investigated Japanese style building. It is the former tea fuctrory was built in 1942 in Mogi das Cruzes area, and it is called Kazarondsha, it is certified as important cultural property by the Brazilian government now. Mr. Kazuo Hanaoka designed and built it. An artist Renata CRUZ who was a resident at the ACAC together with me, and now staying in Atelier Fidalga, accompanied my reseach. Renata led me know about this building during the residency at ACAC last year, so I am thankful for many people who helped me to visit there so quickly.
Kazalondsha is a very unique building, the basic law is Japanese-style, but the material is local. To use eucalyptus material and Brazilian truss structure to create a large space inside.
The most surprising thing is that the part of construction which is used the natural form of the wood as it is.
↑ This is the stairs part.
I have seen the wood natural characteristics is remained some parts of Japanese tea room etc. But I have not ever seen something that has been boldly and complexly assembled such as this. I was wondering why Mr. Hanaoka designed such a complex structure for the factory. Mr. Hanaoka may have tried to fuse the technology learned in Japan with the natural environment of Brazil. I was able to feel Hanaka’s ambition which was set free from the previous regulations explored the figuration possibility in architecture.
You can see the large scale nature and Capybara show up around there.
I was surprised that architectural style change so much by someone’s idea and environmental conditions such as material, climate in Registro. I would like to report about Registro area next time. There are some buildings close to the Japanese house style.
Finally I show you some pictures.
A research to the Japan pavilion in Ibirapuera Park.
↑ Japanese building and Brazilian plants
↑ I can talk in Japanese language so I could feel secure.
There are a lot of Oscar Niemeyer’s architecture in the park. The next will be the last one. Well then!
Overseas dispatchingーKAMATA’s report from Brazil (1)