KAMO Akira Workshop


KAMO Akira’s workshop was held on 31th October.

Kamo participated the art festival “Tsushima Art Fantasia”(22th August – 27th November, http://artfantasia.asia/) before he came to ACAC.

He visited the forest in Tsushima at  midnight during his stay. There was totally dark and he couldn’t see anything, but listen some sounds like animal’s move or chirp.

The experience is the source of this workshop.

There are some branch or leaves in the room, and the participants could smell wet forest smell.

The activity was held in the dark room.

The participants could not see anything, and listen the sounds of the forest.

There were many colors of papers and crayon, but they could not choose by their eyes.

The sound was created by YOSHIHAMA Syo who is the artist and participated “Tsushima Art Fantasia, too. The sound included not only water’s fall or animal’s cry, but also electric sounds or sounds of hitting something, etc. Also, Kamo improvised the sounds by move the branch or leaves.

After one hour, turned on the light and see what did they draw.


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The valance or shape of the animal looked strange, or many shapes didn’t look like animals.

But they could not draw same if they draw with the view.

The darkness made interesting combination of the colors and shapes.

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