LO Yi Chun workshop “Let’s banana!”
The workshop was to make the mat by banana peels.
The participants started from peel the banana peels and made the peels flat in the first day.
keep flat and dry 1 week.
Then, they made banana cake for using inside of banana.
It took 1 hour to bake by oven.
During baking banana cake, Lo talked about her works.
1 hour later, the cake baked, and tasted together then finished the first day.
The second day in 6th Dec, combine the peels and made mat.
The peels completely dried and was crisp, but if you put the iron with steam, you can made the peels flat.
glue the peels with hot glue.
After they finished glue, paint the bee wax on the peels.
After painting the bee wax, the peels become bit glossy and the color changes to the dark.
Finally, saw with the colored thread and put the patterns.
This was made as Christmas tree.
Noemi NIEDERHAUSER workshop “Unraveling stories”
Noemi NIEDERHAUSER’s workshop for the kids today.
“Six pillar” at “Sannnai Maruyama” which is the excavation of Jomon era is the motif of Noemi’s art work at ACAC.
The archaeologists have different opinion for the shape and use about “Six pillar”, and this workshop aims to imagine about the shape and use of “Six pillar”, and make the construction and tools.
First, they went to the gallery and watched her art work.
Then, started making the construction.
Noemi was thinking that to use A4 size wood board for the base, and to use paper cray for making the house and tools. But the kids started to construct the house by the wood board and some paper pipes, and no one used the paper cray as the main material… We think that maybe the people in the Jomon era choose the best materials to make things, so the kids’ challenge should be respected.
some used paper cray.
KIMURA Mitsunori workshop
KIMURA Mitsunori’s workshop was held on 7th November.
The workshop was to make sculpture by oil paint.
The theme was the head, and the participants prepared someone’s photo.
First, made skin color. The color is prepared by Kimura, and it was typical color of East Asian people.
After that, put the paint on the base.
Then, made a head form.
Oil paint is softer than cray, and the paint changes the form by their own weight.
And to make the surface smooth is difficult.
After 3 hours, the heads appeared.
This is made by Kimura.
One changed his thought.He did not to make the head, but made an artwork.
KAMO Akira Workshop
KAMO Akira’s workshop was held on 31th October.
Kamo participated the art festival “Tsushima Art Fantasia”(22th August – 27th November, http://artfantasia.asia/) before he came to ACAC.
He visited the forest in Tsushima at midnight during his stay. There was totally dark and he couldn’t see anything, but listen some sounds like animal’s move or chirp.
The experience is the source of this workshop.
There are some branch or leaves in the room, and the participants could smell wet forest smell.
The activity was held in the dark room.
The participants could not see anything, and listen the sounds of the forest.
There were many colors of papers and crayon, but they could not choose by their eyes.
The sound was created by YOSHIHAMA Syo who is the artist and participated “Tsushima Art Fantasia, too. The sound included not only water’s fall or animal’s cry, but also electric sounds or sounds of hitting something, etc. Also, Kamo improvised the sounds by move the branch or leaves.
After one hour, turned on the light and see what did they draw.
The valance or shape of the animal looked strange, or many shapes didn’t look like animals.
But they could not draw same if they draw with the view.
The darkness made interesting combination of the colors and shapes.
AIR2015/Autumn”Navigation & Trajectory”
The exhibition of Artists In Residence Program 2015/ Autumn “Nabvigation & Trajectory” opened on 24th October.
ACAC held the opening gallery talk by the artists.
LO Yi Chun
KAMO Akira
KIMURA Mitsunori
The exhibition will be by 13th December.