NAGAOKA Daisuke is in Brazil
An artist NAGAOKA Daisuke is joining the residence program at Aterie FIdalga in Brazil.
one of the organizer of Atelie fidalga is an artist Sandra CINTO, and both of them joined AIR 2015/Summer “Passage: A Day in Eternity” together.
Also, Nagaoka visited the Renata CRUZ’s exhibition (she joined AIR 2016/Autumn “kaetemiru”) in Sao Paulo.
We are really happy to see they keep their friendship.
NAGAOKA Daisuke Workshop @ Aomori Chuo High school
Nagaoka visited Aomori Chuo High school at 25th August and 1st September, and held a workshop ”saramdul”.
This is making the text which is composed the words or sentences which is picked up from some books.
On 25th August, the students brought 2-3 books and introduced them.
We could understand the personality of each students because of the reason of the select of the books.
Then photocopy one page from each books.
After that, cut the texts.
Cut by the words or cut by the sentences and make some variation is important.
1st September, They made the texts.
4-5 students made one group.
And prepare 10 pieces of words or sentences.
Then put 1 each by turns.
After everyone put 3 pieces, finish.
The text should be correct by the grammar.
The text were correct by the grammar but the meaning didn’t make sense.
So next, they interpret the text, for example imagine who is this person, what is this situation, etc.
Actually, this part in the most important of this workshop.
“ssaramdul” is not a workshop of making the texts.
It is a workshop of appreciate the texts.
Finally, each group presented 2 texts.
Reading “reconstellation” directed by NAGAOKA Daisuke
Reading “reconstellation Tokyo→Aomori” directed by NGAOKA Daisuke was held at 29th August.
The reader is MIZUTA Sayako, a poet, selected some books and read them.
In addition, she talked about the books, her memory, etc.
Somehow, the listener can listen some books smoothly, but some books prevent to listener’s understanding if she read the same way.
listened the books read and her talk alternately, listenersbecame confused the story is by book or her memory, and kind of strange time passed.
NAGAOKA Daisuke animation making workshop
ACAC held NAGAOKA Daisuke’s animation making workshop on 23th August.
Nagaoka make his art work like this way; he repeat to draw by the pencil and erase by the eraser then draw and erase,,, on the same paper, and he shoot the process of this action, then make movie like animation.
The workshop is to experience the same way of Nagaoka’s creation process.
The difference is the participants draw together on one paper.
The drawing started from Nagaoka.
He drew the mountain.
After one finished drawing, he/she pass the eraser to the next person.
Sometime 2,3 people drew together.
They could check how the action was shot on the TV.
The participants looked what the others draw or erase.
We could feel their surprise or thought if the big change happen on the drawing.
They drew about 40min.
The drawing started from the mountain and finally changed to the ski field and town.
At the end, Nagaoka edited the movie and put the music, then watched together.
KAZAMA Sachiko wood block print workshop
KAZAMA Sachiko’s wood block print workshop was held in 29th and 30th August. The participants made 2 prints by 1 wood block. (They printed once, then curved the same block and printed again.)
The motif is “face”.
Curve the faces of human, animal etc as the first work.
To leave many black part for the second curving is the point of the first curving.
After printing the first edition, curve the block again.
They were thinking about second edition when they were making the first edition, so they could change their picture smoothly.
This is what they made!
Good transformation!
Sandra CINTO workshop on 8th August
Sandra CINTO’s workshop “Drawing as an expression” was held ion 8th Augutst.
This workshop aim to draw what you feel by 4 senses (touch,smell, listen, taste) and it is not include sight.
In the morning, the participants made their works by the individual.
First, they worn special blindfold, and touch something in the blackbox then drew what they felt.
Next, the smell. cinnamon and lavender.
The third is taste. nuts chocolate.
The last is the sound.
Then take a lunch time.
Sandra cooked special Brazilian food for them!
After lunch, they draw on the blue board which is same color as Sandra’s work.
Then, the participants said one word which related in the nature such as tree, sun, cloud, sea, etc. and they moved the strings with imagining of the words.
The last, drew on the big wood board together.
Each participants drew each part which is same as the word they said in the string activity.
This is what they did!
drawn by 8 people, but it is somehow integrated as one work.
The step from the morning exercise may made their feeling unite.
And they danced Brazilian dance as a closing of the workshop!