Score Tour
ACAC held “Score Tour”on 21th June.
This is that the participants do some activity to understand or consider about the exhibition deeply.
The participants made “Graphic notation” which got the idea of Hasunuma’s work “5 scores 5 music” which is constructed by 5 layers of Graphic notation.
There are many Graphic notation at the field of contemporary art, and the participants watched some notations such as TAKEMITSU Toru’s work or NOMURA Hitoshi’s “moon score”, etc. Also, Japanese traditional music has original notations written by letters.
The first activity was to express the sounds by the words.
Let us introduce some.
1, around “Surround Audience #1 (Light and Sound)”
– I imagine circle because of the sound continue forever.
– This sound is line. not dot.
– I imagine square cake. It is piled sponge and cream. I feel to enter this space and to cut the square and long cake is similar.
2, around “Untitled (Feedback)”
– I am interested in what kind of the effector is used for this work.
– I felt the crack or gap of the space.
– The sound is whirling.
– I can hear low sound by “Surrpimd Audience #2” the most, also hear high sound. And I feel these 2 sound is like parent and child.
– “Untitled (Feedback)” doesn’t play any sound. It collect the sound and change or edit them, then output the sounds. I think this work is similar to what Hasunuma do as an artist.
3, around “Surround Audience #3 (No Music was Playing)”
– I could feel the gallery is composed as a band after I walked from entrance to the end. There are low sound by “Surround Audience #2”, effector by “Untitled (Feedback)”, rhythm like cymbal by “Sandy Sound” and “Sounds Will Spin (glasses)”.
– I feel the sound of “Surround Audience #2” become stronger again here.
– I can not watch this work as an sculpture because I play drams and I think which part of the drams this is for the each part.
– I can hear the sound of “Surround Audience #1 (Light and Sound)” is mixed all.
Everyone had different point of view and they could have deep discussion.
Then, walked at the gallery again, and draw the sketch by the pencil.
After that, move to the terrace, and made the Graphic notation by colored pencil, colored pen or colored paper.
Hasunuma came to the terrace and he joined the participants presentation.
They are the works below.
1 work composed by 3 drawings.
It was interesting that the participants made the forms by the words they said at the discussion. It might suggest how the word and form relate, or how the word and thought relate.
You can see their works at the lounge until the closing day of the exhibition!
June 17th Arakawa Primary School
Arakawa Primary School students visited ACAC on June 17th.
They appreciated Shuta Hasunuma’s exhibition “compositions”.
They liked “Surround Audiense #2” the most. “Surround Audiense #2” is that the balancing toy which made by piano wire sway because of the wave of the low sound.
The students enjoyed the balancing toys, but what the most exciting point for them was they could feel the vibration on the wall by their hands or stomach.
Listening the sounds of “Untitled (Feedback)”