Hiraku Suzuki “Live drawing & Talk”
Hiraku Suzuki performed the live drawing at the Open theatre on May 3, 2015.
A 35m white paper was placed on the centre path of the exhibition hall.
Suzuki had Started doing the live drawing without any announcement. First, he threw small stones into the pond to resolve the reflected landscape and saw the transformation in silence.
Then, he threw the stones on the path and stated drawing on the paper. His drawing was done very quickly as if playing a improvisational music. It was very impressive that he had drawn using whole his body.
The drawing was completed in 15 minutes.
After the 20 minutes break, we moved to lounge and Suzuki gave an artist talk. He introduced a diagram he made. In the diagram, he put the drawing at the center and connect many keywords related to his production. The diagram was very interesting. And audience must understood well his way of thinking and why he has been exploring the “drawing.” It’s quit meaningful and nice talk.
Thank you for all the audience and Hiraku Suzuki!
Please come to see the exhibition. It’s open until May 17, 2015.
Gallery Tour
ACAC hold “Gallery Tour” on 26th April.
It included some activity and we can call it “workshop” more than “gallery talk”.
The activity was;
First, think about meaning and pronunciation for a form.
Participant A said
meaning:gastrocamera pronunciation:Muani
Participant B said
meaning:parent pronunciation:nee
Participant A
meaning:parent pronunciation:Yon
Participant B
meaning:shoes taken off pronunciation:capo
Participant A
meaning:pursue pronunciation:Teiju
Participant B
meaning:UFO pronunciation:pipipipi
Then, choose the forms and give the meaning and the pronunciation.
meaning:trees pronunciation:uu
meaning:refrection pronunciation:Kikkutoi
meaning:hole to heacen pronunciation:matteruyo
meaning:grandmother’s bracelet pronunciation:hisui
Then, give the meanings and pronunciations for one photo include some forms.
for example;
1, meaning:shut in pronunciation:gun
2, meaning:a dot from the space pronunciation:inochi
3, meaning:star cake 音:Tenpie
Let’s read.
meaning; shut in a dot from the space, star cake.
pronunciation; gun inochi tenpie
you can read also;
meaning; star cake shut in a dot from the space.
pronunciation; tenpie inochi gun
1, meaning; loiter around pronunciation; anonenone
2, meaning; neutral pronunciation; suicchon
3, meaning; run/ from pronunciation; ryu/ chi (this has 2 meanings and pronunciations)
Let’s read.
meaning; running neutral with loiter around.
pronunciation; ryu suicchon anonenone
You can also read;
meaning; neutral from loiter around.
pronunciation; anonenone chi suicchon
Finally, put the cards which were printed the forms and written meaning and pronunciations on the floor, then choose 3 cards from the forms. The participants can not see the meaning and pronunciations.
Choose 3 cards, then see the meaning and pronunciations.
One choose 3 cards below.
The meaning is “trees”, “reflection”, “squid” from the top.
Let’s make a sentence.
Squid reflect trees.
these sentences are looks like poem and if you pronounce them, it may become music.
In this gallery tour, tried to search or read other world from Suzuki’s art work by language and sounds.
We will make card as a appreciation tool by this activity and open in the lounge soon.
Hiraku Suzuki keeps drawing and drawing.
He also installs “casting” series which was made from museum catalogues. He cast the outlines of museum pieces by stencil and spray.
Whole day drawing.
Suzuki Hiraku kept drawing today. The density of the wall drawing is getting higher and higher. You can find figures like characters, signs and objective images etc.
The other work is made by the reflectors. If you put the torch toward the work, the work shines.
Rhythmical drawing by Hiraku Suzuki.
Hiraku Suzuki is drawing directly on the big wall of ACAC. He tries to capture the light by the silver drawing.
The exhibition will open on April 18. Please come and experience the huge drawing!