Event Report: ISHIDA Takashi’s Talk about His Works with HOSHINO Futoshi and Performance on June 16th
Our two spring exhibitions, ISHIDA Takashi “Light on the Arc” and TSUKAMOTO Etsuo “Sculpture Farm” finished on the 16th of June. Thank you for your visit.
On the final day of these exhibitions, ISHIDA and Mr. HOSHINO Futoshi (Aesthetics/Culture and Representation) as guest speaker held a talk about his works. In this talk, while reflecting from his early works (surprisingly, including his drawing in childhood) to the current creation during the residency in Aomori, they talked about some important elements and their transition of his works. Sometimes they referred to discussions in HOSHINO’s book, “Rhetoric of Sublime” (2017).
After the talk, the performance by ISHIDA was held in the gallery. We were fascinated by his improvisational movements with light and shadow.
ISHIDA Takashi artworks 1
2 spring exhibitions at ACAC is going on after a long Japanese holiday.
We will introduce each of the artworks until their closing.
ISHIDA Takashi who have a exhibition at gallery A stayed at ACAC during January to April.
“Light on the Arc”, the photo below, was produced on March at gallery A.
On this video work, the lines getting grow on the canvas contrast with the natural light from the upper window moves.
Photo: ISHIDA Takashi “Light on the Arc”, Video (color), 3 min. 19 sec., 2019 ©️ takashiishida
Two Exhibitions opened on April 20th
ACAC opended 2 exhibitions on 20th April.
One is ISHIDA Takashi “Light on the Arc”, the other is “Vision of Aomori vol.17 TSUKAMOTO Etsuo Sculpture farm”.
we held the opening artist talk on 20th.
Isida said the action of the drawing produce the shadow, and the shadow make awaken the people to the space, then the drawing animation or performance is a way of giving the shape for the resonance, time or experience in the space.
Isida exhibit the sculpture works at this exhiibiton, and it is because he recently graws the wich to make the works which he can touch. Also, he thinks his sculpture work is like solid film.
Isida held a big solo exhibition in Yokohama museum of art on 2015, and all the works which are shown in ACAC is produced after Yokohama.
Tsukamoto has been thinking about the concept of “Sculpture farm” in this decade.
The very first work he produced on this concept is “SCULPTURE FARM-FEED” which is book shaped work and the popcorn is passted on the cover. Pop corn is made from corn which is same as feed of the livestock.
“Hornfaced Bee AC634” is a huge sculpture and we could say this is the symbol of this exhibition. Tsukamoto said that he was thinking about Brancusi’s sculpture, also a drawing which was frawn the scene of the Abdominal Stretchwrest at the wrestling refers the “Laocoön and His Sons”.
These story shows that Tsukamoto enjoys to go and back to the sculpture history.