TSUKAMOTO Etsuo workshop the 2nd day
The 2nd day of TSUKAMOTO Etsuo’s workshop “Making a relief sculpture by plaster Molding”
The participants took off the sculpture from the harden plaster. (They poured in the plaster on the fast day) After took off the sculpture, fixed the chipped part, then sander and make it smooth surface.
TSUKAMOTO Etsuo workshop the 1st day
ACAC holds TSUKAMOTO Etsuo’s workshop “Making a relief sculpture by plaster Molding” yesterday and today.
The participants make 18cm relief sculpture.
Yesterday, they made a model by cray, then molded by the plaster.
First, make a model by cray.
After 1 hour and finished the mold, then started modeling by plaster.
Took off the cray after dry about 20min.
Then, wash by water and put on the soap water. This aims to make the soap membrane on the plaster mold.
Next, pour the new plaster in the mold.
Finally, put the fiber for the reinforcement, then dray one night.
They will take off the works on the 2nd day!
Two Exhibitions opened on April 20th
ACAC opended 2 exhibitions on 20th April.
One is ISHIDA Takashi “Light on the Arc”, the other is “Vision of Aomori vol.17 TSUKAMOTO Etsuo Sculpture farm”.
we held the opening artist talk on 20th.
Isida said the action of the drawing produce the shadow, and the shadow make awaken the people to the space, then the drawing animation or performance is a way of giving the shape for the resonance, time or experience in the space.
Isida exhibit the sculpture works at this exhiibiton, and it is because he recently graws the wich to make the works which he can touch. Also, he thinks his sculpture work is like solid film.
Isida held a big solo exhibition in Yokohama museum of art on 2015, and all the works which are shown in ACAC is produced after Yokohama.
Tsukamoto has been thinking about the concept of “Sculpture farm” in this decade.
The very first work he produced on this concept is “SCULPTURE FARM-FEED” which is book shaped work and the popcorn is passted on the cover. Pop corn is made from corn which is same as feed of the livestock.
“Hornfaced Bee AC634” is a huge sculpture and we could say this is the symbol of this exhibition. Tsukamoto said that he was thinking about Brancusi’s sculpture, also a drawing which was frawn the scene of the Abdominal Stretchwrest at the wrestling refers the “Laocoön and His Sons”.
These story shows that Tsukamoto enjoys to go and back to the sculpture history.