What's on



This year’s open call AIR is intended to provide people involved in a wide range of cultural and artistic pursuits – including artists, curators, and researchers – with an opportunity to engage in creative activities while residing at ACAC. Residents will conduct research, create artwork, hold various events, and eventually present their results, all while receiving continuous support from ACAC’s curators, technicians, and staff. The activities of the residents will also be made available to the public through our website and program catalogs.

  • AIR
  • 展覧会
  • ワークショップ
  • レクチャー/トーク
  • 公演
  • その他


青森公立大学 国際芸術センター青森(ACAC)は、八甲田山麓のダイナミックな自然と特徴的な建築が生み出す環境を活かし、アーティスト・イン・レジデンス(滞在制作、AIR)、展覧会、教育普及を3つの柱として、現代芸術の多様なプログラムを発信するアートセンターです。青森市市制100周年記念事業として設立され、2001年12月に開館しました。現在は青森公立大学が運営しています。
The Aomori Contemporary Art Centre (ACAC) is a contemporary art institution nestled in a dynamic natural environment on the foothills of the Hakkoda Mountains. Its distinctive architecture is well-suited to the center's three creative pillars of artist-in-residence (AIR) programs, exhibitions, and education/learning programs. Established as a project to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the founding of Aomori City, the ACAC opened its doors in December 2001 and is currently run by Aomori Public University.